Outaouais Wild Game Meat Butchers
- Posted on
- By Daniel Larocque
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Wild game meat butcher shops in the Outaouais region as well as the link to the list of butcher shops participating in the Chasseurs Généreux program.
Here are the Wild game meat butcher shops in the Outaouais region as well as the link to the list of butcher shops participating in the Chasseurs Généreux program.
We do not promote one over the other and haven't personally tried them all. If you know of any other butcher in the region, please let us know in the comments.
If you need to build your own walk-in cooler to preserve and age your meat, we highly recommend COOLBOT. Sold here, this device allows you to convert any insolated small room along with a window air conditioner into an amazing walk-in cooler.
Boucherie Lemieux
Gatineau, Québec
(819) 923-9914
Boucherie Gréber
Small volume and the game needs to be brought in without the skin.
Gatineau, Québec
(819) 568-3363
Boucher Allard & Bélisle
Gatineau, Québec
(819) 663-4395
Débitage des Cantons
Thurso, Québec
(819) 921-3720
Débitage des Laurentides
Ste-Agathe-des-Monts, Québec
(819) 323-8120
Boucherie JMJ
Brownsburge, Québec
(450) 562-4714
Boucherie à l’ancienne
Maniwaki, Québec
(819) 441-3535
Ranch d’Amérique
Saint-Émile-de-Suffolk, Québec
(819) 426-2607
Boucherie Christian Gauthier
Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré, Québec
(819) 425-5178
Les viandes du gourmet
Lac-des-Écorces, Québec
(819) 585-3070
Boucherie LasBeau
Ile-du-Grand-Calumet, Québec
(819) 648-5719
La Bouchetterie
Bouchette, Québec
(819) 465-3563
Boucherie Himbeault
St-Stanislas de Kostka, Québec
(450) 377-1128
Centre de débitage Sylvain St-Jacques
Blue Sea, Québec
Boucherie O'max
Gracefield, Québec
Boucherie Steve Brousseau
Lac Cayamant, Québec
(819) 441-4516
L'Artisan Maître de la Saucisse
** Pour la préparation de saucisse seulement (ne font pas de débitage)
Gatineau, Québec
(819) 772-9595
List of butcher shops that are part of the Chasseurs Généreux program
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